“Navigating the Green Transition During

the Pandemic Equitably: A New

Perspective on Technological Resilience

Among Boston Neighborhoods Facing

the Shock”
published as chapter of the

"New Metropolitan Perspectives:

Transition with Resilience for

Evolutionary Development".

May 30 , 2023

New study out!
Together with Poya Sohrabi, Nourhan Hamdy Christina Kakderi & Carmelina Bevilacqua we have been working on the chapter 'Navigating the Green Transition During the Pandemic Equitably: A New Perspective on Technological Resilience Among Boston Neighborhoods Facing the Shock' for the book "New Metropolitan Perspectives: Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development".


The study is addressing the following question: what was the role that the #pandemic played in accelerating or slowing #Boston’s green investments, and to what extent do different racial and socioeconomic groups invest in #greentechnologies during this period?

Intriguingly, the study’s findings show that racial differences within the city have no significant impact on tech-related expenditures. There is a clear negative correlation between poverty rate and investment, which indicates the reverse relationship between these #socioeconomic factors. The study concludes that city authorities will need to address the challenges of each community achieving green transition with more targeted programs based on its needs.

#Technological #resilience